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Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
- Setor Agroalimentar (geral)
- Subsetor Produtos Carneos
- Subsetor Produtos Hortofruticolas
- Subsetor Produtos Lacteos
- Subsetor Produtos Panificacao
- HSE (2015). A recipe for safety: Health and safety in food and drink manufacture. HSG252 (2nd edition). Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Crown, London UK. ISBN 978 0 7176 6646 1 [OSHGRP01]
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- HSE (2014). Health and safety made simple: The basics for your business. INDG449 (rev1). Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Crown, London UK. [OSHGRP03]
- HSE (2014). Moving food and drink: Manual handling solutions for the food and drink industries. HSG196 (2nd edition). Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Crown, London UK. ISBN 978 0 7176 0905 5 [OSHGRP04]
- HSE (2014). The health and safety toolbox. HSG268 (1st edition). Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Crown, London UK. ISBN 978 0 7176 6587 7 [OSHGRP05]
- HSE (2013). Heat stress in the workplace: A brief guide. INDG451 (rev1). Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Crown, London UK. ISBN 978 0 7176 0905 5 [OSHGRP06]
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Dissertações e Teses:
Artigos científicos:
- Kim, I.-J. (2016). Safety and Health Practices in the Food Industry and Ergonomic Interventions. Journal of Ergonomics, 6(1). [OSHGIJ01]
- LAINE P. (2014). Petites entreprises: quelles solutions pour la prévention des risques? Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 233. [OSHGIJ02]
- Matias, J.C.O., Fonseca, J.M.J., Barata, I.G., & Brojo, F.M.R.P. (2013). HACCP and OHS: Can each one help improve the other in the catering sector? Food Control 30, 240-250. [OSHGIJ03]
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- BMPA (2014). Health and Safety Guidance Notes for the Meat Industry. British Meat Processors Association (BMPA). London, UK. [OSHCNRP02]
- NZITO (2013). Meat Industry Health & Safety Guidelines. New Zealand Industry Training Organisation (NZITO). Meat Industry Health and Safety Forum (MIHSF). New Zealand Inc. [OSHCNRP03]
- Zywave, Inc. (2013). SAMPLE Meat Industry Employee Safety Manual. Zywave, Inc. [OSHCNRP04]
- IFC (2007). Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for Meat Processing. International Finance Corporation (IFC). World Bank Group. [OSHCNRP05]
- ADIV (2006). Recomendações práticas de higiene para enchidos tradicionais fermentados e secos – Guia Prático. Institut Technique Agroalimentaire des filières viande (ADIV). Clermont-Ferrand, França. [OSHCNRP06]
- MinTrac (2001). Managing occupational health and safety (OH&S) in meat processing plants resource kit. Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MinTrac). [OSHCNRP07]
- AMIC (2001). OHS risk management guide for meat processing plants. Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC). Australia. [OSHCNRP08]
- AMIEU (1995). National guidelines for health and safety in the meat industry. WorkSafe Australia and the Meat Research Corporation (Eds). Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU) & Meat and Allied Trades Federation of Australia (MATFA). Australia. [OSHCNRP09]
Teses e Dissertações:
Artigos científicos:
- Chernukha, I., Kuznetsova, O., & Sysoy, V. (2015). Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment in Meat Production Practice in Russian Federation. Procedia Food Science, 5, 42-45. [OSHCNIJ01]
- van Holland, B.J., Soer, R., de Boer, M.R., Reneman, M.F., & Brouwer, S. (2015). Workers’ Health Surveillance in the Meat Processing Industry: Work and Health Indicators Associated with Work Ability. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 25(3), 618-26. [OSHCNIJ02]
- Johnson, E.S., Ndetan, H., Felini, M.J., Faramawi, M.F., Singh, K.P., Choi, K.-M., & Qualls-Hampton, R. (2011). Mortality in workers employed in pig abattoirs and processing plants. Environmental Research, 111(6), 871-876. [OSHCNIJ03]
- Sims P., & Riordan, T. (1996). A prolonged outbreak of streptococcal infection among workers at a meat plant. Public Health, 110(2), 81-84. [OSHCNIJ04]
- IFC (2015). Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for vegetable oil production and processing. International Finance Corporation (IFC). World Bank Group. [OSHHCRP01]
- EBRD (2009). Sub-sectoral Environmental and Social Guidelines: Fruit and Vegetable Processing. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). [OSHHCRP02]
- IFC (2007). Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for dairy processing. International Finance Corporation (IFC). World Bank Group. [OSHLTRP01]
- WorkSafe (2006). Dairy Safety: A Practical Guide. WorkSafe Victoria, Australia. [OSHLTRP02]
Artigos Científicos:
- Autenrieth, D.A., Brazile, W.J., Sandfort, D.R., Douphrate, D.I., Román-Muñiz, I.N., & Reynolds, S.J. (2016). The associations between occupational health and safety management system programming level and prior injury and illness rates in the U.S. dairy industry. Safety Science, 84, 108-116. [OSHLTIJ01]
- Reed, S., Douphrate, D.I., Lundqvist, P., Jarvie, P., McLean, G., Koehncke, N., Colosio, C., & Singh, T. (2013). Occupational health and safety regulations in the dairy industry. Journal of Agromedicine, 18(3), 210-218. [OSHLTIJ02]
Teses e Dissertações:
- Almeida, S.S. (2014). Avaliação de riscos ocupacionais numa empresa do setor agroalimentar. Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto – Universidade do Porto, Portugal. [OSHPPTH01]
- Almeida, L.F.R. (2011). Avaliação de riscos ocupacionais numa empresa do sector da panificação e pastelaria. Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. [OSHPPTH02]
Artigos Científicos:
- Tainara Rigotti de Castro, T.R., & Okawa, C.P. (2016). Safety and work health: audit at a food industry of Paraná state. Produção Online, 16(2), 678-704. [OSHPPIJ01]
- Aguwa, E.N., & Sussan, U.A.-O. (2014). Assessment of Baking industries in a Developing Country: The common Hazards, Health challenges, control measures and Association to Asthma. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(7), 1-5. [OSHPPIJ02]
- Vasconcelos, F.M., Maia, L.R., Neto, J.A.A., & Rodrigues, L.B. (2015). Riscos no ambiente de trabalho no setor de panificação: um estudo de caso em duas indústrias de biscoitos. Gestão da Produção, 22(3), 565-589. [OSHPPIJ03]
- Rocha, F.B.A, Oliveira, L.F.A., Campos, M.C. & Carvalho, R.J.M. (2011). Riscos do trabalho na indústria de panificação: estudo de caso em uma panificadora de natal. XXXI Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção – Inovação Tecnológica e Propriedade Intelectual: Desafios da Engenharia de Produção na Consolidação do Brasil no Cenário Econômico Mundial, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, 04 a 07 de outubro de 2011. [OSHPPCF01]
- Junior, A.S.M, & Rodrigues, C.L.P. (2005). O Risco de acidente de trabalho na indústria de panificação: o caso das máquinas de cilindro de massa. XXV Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, 29 out a 01 de nov de 2005. [OSHPPCF02]